A Caldic Silicone Solution

Is your food Chanoeka-proof, Kosher produced?

Is your food Chanoeka-proof, Kosher produced?

Over the last period we see a clear demand and strong customer favour for Kosher certificated food. For the production of food, it means it needs to be thoroughly cleaned in a prescribed fashion to ensure that there is no cross-contamination for non-kosher food items produced on the same machinery. We are happy to announce that our in-house (acquired RoRe) facilities have been audited and approved Kosher-grade after the relocation to Genas near Lyon, France. Now all specific Kosher-grade Food grade solutions will be visibly be cRc certificated.

Please find more information on Kosher-grade production on www.crcweb.org

For more information, contact our specialist in Food processing Tom De Bondt by e-mail or Phone +32 (0)3 870 48 11

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